Good user experience design can consider many factors, such as: Support the company to reach target groups, promote interaction with each customer, and ultimately increase sales. Research by blue space shows that 88% of users are less likely to return to a website after a bad user experience and 85% of adults think that a company’s mobile website should be as good or better than their desktop website. In other words, if the entire process is not focused on users, it is impossible to achieve business goals in digital transformation.
New trends in UI with prevalent technologies are stretching in different industries with its multifaceted niches. New Trends in UI designs with new attributes and technologies will be truly high level.
Breaking-off from Wrong Conventions to Improve UX/UI
UI design deals directly with end-users so it can either create a commendable impression or an unworthy one. Embedding the new technologies in current UI designs can generate more value and attract new customers, but before absorbing new practices certain wrong practices need to be removed so that they don’t migrate to the next level and make the end product unwieldy.
- Inconsistent UI Elements: While you empower your UI design with new trends it will heavily demand consistency to make it smooth for users. Avoiding inconsistency from scratch will unburden designers from tedious tasks.
- Long Setup Wizards: Setup wizards ought to be short and less time-consuming. Users highly object when they need to go through long set up wizards. Further, adding fair exit buttons in wizards should communicate the result of exiting the wizard.
- Unpleasant Icons: The perception of different designers about icons is different. For some it may be a design element, for others, it may be an important link for connecting to other interfaces. Ensure a clear message of your icon and use a consistent style while designing an icon.
Trends in UI Design to Resonate with Growing User Expectation
Users are now aware of the growing technologies and new trends, for designers, need to be in the frontline to experiment with the latest trends, designs, and ideas, because it’s not only about the aesthetics, but about user experience. Though UI needs to be seamless and with minimalism, the future of UI designs lies in mixing realism.
The last decade has seen growth in AI (Artificial Intelligence), VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented reality), and animation which has faded the line between the digital and real world.
- Minimalist Design: Minimalism is a new UI trend that doesn’t necessarily need to be primitive, but should be clear and with useful elements. Strong visuals, correct proportion & composition of element dimensions, spare space among others should be considered while choosing the minimalist design.
- Anthropomorphic Animation: These animations mimic human actions like blinking eyes, moving heads, etc. Users are captivated by the immersive effects of such animations as they are conscious of their own movements like humans do.
- Escapism: Escapism in UI design lets users escape from the regular pattern and experience the sense of living in some different location. Transporting the users’ senses to entirely different places needs a good understanding of human engagement with colors, creative elements, size of images, etc.
New Trends Breathing the Future User Expectation in UI
Great designers always look to the future, break the rules and use creativity to create compelling user experiences, thereby increasing brand awareness and healthy profits.
In 2021, UI trends will prioritize speed, simple page layout, mobile-first methods.
UI trends are not limited to this, to know more about trends in UI, click here.